Managing the physical side effects of gastritis are one thing, but the mental side can be just as, if not more, difficult to handle. Especially when you consider how strong the stomach-brain connection truly is, you cannot overlook the importance of changing your lifestyle for symptom management and true healing.

Below are my 6 tips that quite literally kept me sane and happy while healing from gastritis.


I know, I know. This one was hard for me at first too. So many people try meditating and get frustrated that they can’t clear their mind or go to this magical mysterious place that your yogi friend always talks about. Well it’s real and you can go there, but it looks different for everyone. I’m no meditation expert but as a not-very-woo-woo person, I can say that meditation has hugely helped me manage my anxiety surrounding my symptoms and my ability to fall asleep a little bit more relaxed. I can make a post later on the details of my particular practice, but for now, just take 10 minutes at the end of your day right before bed to put down your phone and sit with your thoughts. I really like to imagine what the best possible day could look like for the next day. I also think about a future where I am symptom-free and totally healed. Manifestation and positive thinking make a huge difference in your daily outlook.


This goes hand-in-hand with my previous tip. I prefer to journal in the mornings about what happened the day before, what I’m feeling, and what I’m hoping for that day. The “write day 3 things you’re grateful for” concept is actually proven to boost your happiness. When you write something down (or say it out loud) it forces your brain to find things that make those statements true. This is just a domino effect of happiness.

exercise caution

It’s not recommended to exercise in the beginning stages of healing gastritis. You certainly don’t want to be setting personal bests in the gym. But that doesn’t mean you should avoid exercise altogether. Choose exercise that is low-impact like walking, yoga, or some form of pilates. Bonus points if it gets you outside and in the sun.

During the worst of my gastritis, I would do yoga in the morning (before breakfast) just to get my blood flowing. Then I would throw in 1 or 2 walks after my lunch and dinner to aid in digestion, get me outside, and get just a little extra activity.


If you’ve seen the research on blue zones lately, you know that community is all the rage when it comes to living your longest, happiest life. That holds true for managing gastritis, or any chronic illness for that matter. When you have people you trust who can be there for you when you need to vent and who understand that you can’t eat and drink like you used to, healing becomes so much easier.

Finding new hobbies that are gastritis-friendly can be a fun challenge to try with your friends or family. And it steers you away from the typical “wanna grab a drink?” habit that a lot of us should probably adjust a bit anyway. Bring your friend on a walk or to a yoga class, or bake a gastritis-friendly dessert together. Being around people who can support you during this time is key.


For when your friends are tired of hearing you complain about gastritis. I’m kidding (kinda). I started therapy in the middle of my gastritis and it was such a nice objective check-in with myself on how I’m progressing. I don’t expect my therapist to be an expert in gastritis or to give me specific advice on managing it, but it’s been nice to have space to vent about it in one controlled place. The alternative is costantly complaining to my husband about my symptoms, which he can’t do anything about and only makes me feel more frustrated.


This is where I struggle the most because my gastritis symptoms prevent me from laying flat and getting some shut eye. But once I’ve mastered my sleep hygiene, I don’t let anything touch my sleep. It’s so important to me.

Sleep is when the body is healing, so take the steps you need to to ensure optimal sleep such as limiting screen time, sipping on herbal tea, doing some anti-anxiety meditation, reading, stretching - whatever is it that switches your brain into sleep mode, do it. You cannot heal without proper sleep.


I have found that diet alone is not enough to keep my symptoms at bay. The mind-stomach connection is so strong. When your mental health suffers, your digestion suffers. Implement as many of these habits as you can to speed up your healing process.

As always, write me if you have any specific questions, and stay positive. Just because you’re struggling now does not mean you will be forever.




MY ADVICE FOR HEALING: Part I - the diet