My top 3 natural supplements for healing gastritis

In the past year, I’ve been on a handful of different medications, all claiming to help treat gastritis but none of them truly addressed the underlying cause. Treatment does not equal cure, and while treating the problem is important and can provide some relief from the symptoms, I wanted to heal my gastritis, not put a band-aid on the issue.

After some research, I found 3 supplements that claim to soothe the digestive tract and even heal the stomach lining, no prescription necessary. I will say that data on these supplements is limited, but there are promising reports of improvement among people who use them, including myself!

I’ve become pretty cynical of conventional medicine when it comes to treating gastritis, especially as I’ve found that some drugs can make the problem worse in the long term. For example. prolonged use of PPIs has been linked to decreased absorption of magnesium and B12. On the other hand, many people take PPIs their whole life with no problems. Either way, I don’t want to take the risk. And if I can heal with only taking natural supplements, that’s ideal for me.

Supplement #1: DGL (Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice)

It’s a mouthful, pun intended. DGL has become a staple in my daily routine. DGL is a form of licorice that is deglycyrrhizinated, making licorice safer for consumption. Glycyrrhizin is a substance in licorice that can lead to high blood pressure.

I buy the chewable tablets by Natural Factors and take them after any meal that might be causing symptoms to flare. I did not like the taste at first but now I sort of love the taste and sometimes eat one even when I don’t have symptoms. Basically, I treat them like a TUMS.

What are the benefits?

DGL promotes healthy mucus in the stomach and esophagus, protecting it from acids that are created every time you eat. In turn, DGL helps heal the lining and prevents heartburn from recurring. It also has a bunch of other benefits ranging from skin health to immune function. Give these a try and see if they provide some relief!

There are many different forms, but I prefer the chewable tablet for ease of use and better absorption. The act of chewing itself is also helpful for continued digestion.

supplement #2: slippery elm bark

Slippery elm bark has become one of my favorite go-to supplements. I buy the powdered form for better absorption and it’s easy to mix into tea. It has a kind of nutty almost cocoa flavor. I like to mix it with licorice tea or rooibos tea. I get my Slippery Elm Powder from NOW. It is recommended to take Slippery Elm away from other medications and supplements as it is known to decrease absorption of other drugs. I take it right before bed.

The benefits of slippery elm are similar to that of DGL: coats and soothes the GI tract and produces mucus to protect from ulcers and excess acid. The research for this supplement is limited, but I have found it to be extremely helpful during my healing.

supplement #3: L-Glutamine

L-glutamine is one of those supplements with about a thousand different uses and benefits. We used to give our dog l-glutamine supplements for her hips. Now I buy it to heal my stomach tissue. It works by increasing blood flow to the stomach and has been noted to treat stomach ulcers.

I buy the It’s Just! L-Glutamine powder. Again, I choose powder form for the best absorption. I take this on an empty stomach an hour before eating breakfast for the best results.

Healing from gastritis requires a multi-pronged approach. Taking supplements alone will not heal you. Diet and lifestyle are the foundations to healing, supplements are just that - supplemental. But they have shown to speed up the healing process in many people. Try starting with just one and see how you feel after a month. Keep a daily tracker to monitor symptoms and see if are improving. If you’re at the beginning of the healing journey, I know it’s hard, but it will get easier from here. Take this as an opportunity to address what may have caused the gastritis in the first place - too much stress, over-drinking, bad food choices? Whatever it is, know that there will be a day when you will feel normal again.




Gastritis during the holidays